Liebster blogging award

Heyyy so the other day the amazing Jacolene, from blissfulboho nominated me for this award so please go over to her blog and check it out, I always enjoy reading it;)


– Put a picture of the award logo in your post.

– Thank and link the person who nominated you.

-Write a paragraph on your favourite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog + link it.

-Answer questions and give 10 facts about yourself.

-Nominate others who have less than 200 followers.

-Ask your nominees questions.

My favourite blog at the moment?

It has to be saradiz. She’s so lovely and kind! Her posts always make me want to read more and more, she’s probably getting a little frustrated about all my comments I’ve left πŸ˜‚ but yeah I’m just genuinely interested in her writing. 

Her blog has a clean, modern look to it, which obvs I adore and she posts often. I’ve recently been LOVING her weekly diarys, anoyone else like being super nosy and reading about everyone’s life? πŸ˜‚ She also always adds some photos into her posts which instantly makes me want to read more and she just seems to upload posts that I’m genuinely interested in reading so yeah there you go. CHECK HER BLOG OUT NOW! πŸ˜‚

Questions I was asked:

1.What are the 3 best things about yourself?

Okay well I really love the fact that I can play different sports well as it’s brought me so much confidence and motivation, I definitely think that I wouldn’t be the same person without it. Another one is that I’m double jointed in my arms, you don’t know how many conversations I’ve started whilst bringing it up haha. The last thing that’s I think is best about me is that I’m quite mature, I’m always being mistaken older than I am which at the moment I use to my advantage not sure how that’ll it go when I’m older though haha.

2.What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?

The lagoon near where I stayed in Turkey. Omg it was lush! The comfiest four poster sunbeds sat by the edge of the water and the mountains caked in snow were surrounding us, and don’t get me started on the water it was clear blue and so warm. I want to go back right now.😭

3.What is your biggest accomplishment that you’re most proud of?

Okay so I know I talk about sports literally all the time which is probably really boring but when I was 11 I got put through to trials for a netball academy which is usually for 14+ year olds anyway I went to the first trial out of two and I got in first time! Like they read out my number (12) and boom I was in haha, I celebrated with a fatty McDonalds too;)  

4.If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would love to go on a HUGE shopping spree obvs and go to the Apple Store and take one of everything they sellπŸ˜‚ I’d also like to go to top secret meetings like MI5 ones to know what’s going on and then possibly help using my invisibility powers (yes I have a pretty vivid imagination πŸ˜‚)

5.Favourite childhood memory?

This book about starting school, I always read it before bed when I was staying at my grandma’s house and every time I see it, it gives me the feelz πŸ˜‚

6.Do you feel like a leader or a follower and why?

Leader. 100%. Because I like to do my own thing and whatever I’m most comfortable with, I also have a tendency to just do and say what I want probably due to my confidence really so it makes me stand out and be a ‘leader’ (I really hope I’m not coming out big headed right now, I’m not I promise πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚).

7.What are your biggest pet peeve(s)?

Haha people sitting on my bed and making it messy just after I’ve layed itπŸ˜‚ my best friend ALWAYS does this and I’m just like why?

8.Would you rather spend 3 days exploring New York City or Disney World?

Definitely The big Apple. I’ve already been to Disney and LOVED it but New York wow that would be amazing! My sister went there to visit my auntie when she used to live there and I’m still jealous 10 years on πŸ˜‚ hopefully I’ll get the chance to go there one day as I really love cities and who wouldn’t want to visit NYC?!

9.Are you more of a cat person or dog person?


10.Favourite Halloween or autumnal movie?

Don’t judge, I don’t have one😬 I do like to watch a film, ecspecially on a rainy evening but I never really keep favourites that much, ecspecially seasonal ones. Does that even make sense?πŸ˜‚ but my go to horror film that I guess you could class as a Halloween film as it’s scary, would be case 39. It’s on Netflix and god is scared me πŸ˜‚

My nominations:



About my awkward life

Olamide’s blog 

My questions:

What’s your favourite season and why?

Would you rather not use the internet or give up junk food?

One moment that you’ll never forget?

Favourite subject to learn?

If you could change one thing about yourself what it be?

Movies or series?

Favourite thing to watch at the moment?

The top thing on your to-buy list?

What’s your favourite word and why?

Your favourite thing to do on a sunny day? 

So that’s it, Ive also got another one of these awards to write so you’ll probably be seeing that in the near future and I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who’s nominated me for one of these awards, I really like doing them they’re loads of fun and you can find loads of new bloggers too (credit to the person who started these things) 

Hope you all have a great day!

Tamsin xx

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