My Day With Pictures // Netflix Series’ The Sinner?’

Hey everyone, hope you’re all rested and ready for the upcoming week, I know I’m certainly not👌🏼- I have a test which I have not studied for, I have exam questions i need to write and havent-ugh but before I say anything else YOU GUYS NEED TO WATCH THE SINNER ON NETFLIX! I watched the trailer and instantly started getting into it, it’s about this women who out of nowhere just stabs this stranger in front of her at the beach (it sounds really off putting like that, soz 😂) It’s got a crime/ mystery genre I think and it’s just great really, if any of you guys have see it let me know what you think!

Anywaysss today’s post is my day with pictures, I have to say that I did forget to take a few photos of kinda key moments so that’s why this post isn’t titled ‘my day in pictures’ literally I suck, I can’t even take a few photos throughout the day because I forget😂

The Morning Of course I started my morning with a nice Sunday lay-in and some brekkie which consisted of fruit and making pain au chocolate, which might I add turned out as a success, I ended up having three so yeah they were good.

I then met with my bestie and we hitched a lift with my sister to a village near the beach, which is just beautifulll! She dropped us off like half a mile of where we actually wanted to hike so we had to walk to the destination of which was even more walking (makes loads of sense right?) but we spent around an hour trekking on the side of the coast, stopping halfway through for a little photo shoot (I couldn’t resist)

The Afternoon After our walk we the headed over to bar/restaurant to eat really yummy and healthy food- beef nachos with a side of chips :))))) this was also a time of warming up as it’s been so cold where I live recently!

When we were both full to the brim we made our way to the park and sat on the swings, and I have no idea why but we ended up on the topic of IQ so we both took an IQ test on our phones and guess what- you have to pay to find out your results!? Like I spent 20 minutes of my life and brain power on that quiz for nothing because I’m defo not paying £6.50 to find out whether I’m gifted or not I know I’m a genius already but still 😂 So yeah we them sat on a bench and waited to catch the bus home and with our luck all the buses weren’t running – yayaya😂 so we bought a giant ice cream in like 5 degree weather instead but it ended up falling on the floor lolll.

The Evening My parents came and picked us up from the beach and we had a roast my mum had cooked (god their amazing) which now leads to me this moment where I’ve just got out of the shower and into my PJs with my bed covers keeping me toasty and cosy, what more could you want from a Sunday evening?

DONE. I had such a good day, filled with so many bad jokes that actually now make me want to cry they’re so bad😂 but yeah thought I’d capture this day in words (and some photos) as I want to remember it.

Thank you all for reading!

What did you get up to today? Tamsin xx


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