The Top Things I’ve Been Enjoying This Christmas

Hey everyone! I haven’t spoke to any of y’all for so long! I’m back at it again, post school and end of term assessments, I can finally get back to doing things I love like writing on here:)

I hope you’re all having a great, cosy December I definitely am, and in this post I’m going to tell you all what I’ve been loving.

Going to the cinema

Pretty much everyday where I live, the weather is rainy and grey and I’m always stuck on what to do and what to fill my time with, so as there’s been loads of good film releases recently I’ve been going to the movies with friends and watching them. I get all the snacks that I can afford (anyone else think the cinema is getting WAY TO OVERPRICED) and relax really. Funny thing, I’m actually going to watch Pitch Perfect in a few hours- I can’t wait! If you’ve seen it let me know what you thought;)


Gingerbread cookies ecspecially.

Reading late at night

Now that I don’t have to get up early for school, I’m going to sleep later and later, part of the reason being that I get SO stuck into my book I can’t put it down! I’m currently half way through reading The Girl On The Train and I’m enjoying it, waiting for something more tense to happen though;) and anyway I’ll say to myself, I’ll read for 5 minutes and boom an hour later, at midnight I’ll still be reading in bed. I can stop myself.😂

Looking for presents<<<
m always asks me what I would like for Christmas, And as usual I start off thinking that there's not much I want, then when I start searching I'm like WOW, mum you're going to be broke! Joking. But there’s something really relaxing just scrolling on websites or mooching in shops, looking for future possessions (that sounds SO materialistic lol). Although I’m not going to lie to you, I have seen stuff that I love and end up just buying for myself anyway:)

Eating tons of chocolate and shortbread <<<
I just love shortbread so I eat it. And I also love celebrations and chocolate logs so I also eat that too. But like why not it's Christmas?!?

There are all the major things, not forgetting to mention hot chocolate (with cream and marshmallows) and cups of tea ( I'm British af). Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great Christmas/holiday💗

Tamsin xx


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