My Trip To Uganda

Hey everyone, hope you’ve all had a very productive week! I’ve had a great week as I travelled up to London mid-week to see my gorgeous new little cousin- I’m in love!

Anyway the purpose of this post is to spread the news of my upcoming charity trip to Uganda, where I’ll be staying at Kira Farm development centre doing some work out there like making pottery etc. I’ve set up a justGiving page if you would donate as it would mean SO MUCH to me.

I’ve previously touched on this subject in earlier posts of mine but it’s one of my new year’s resolutions to raise the money (£2000) so I thought I’d get on it and write this post.

In short, in October Im going on a school trip to Uganda for 2 weeks with the charity Amigos. Me being me, i’ve set myself the challenge of raising the whole £2000 myself when the reality is that a majority of the other people going will get there parents to pay.

Whilst being out there we’re also going to a game reserve and getting to see wild animals in there natural habitat, which I personally think will be so incredible!

Another challenge this trip is testing me on is my confidence of being so far away from home and my well-known surroundings so I’m really pushing myself out the boat here! Yet another one of my new year’s resolution haha.

It would be SO appreciative if any of you could take the time to just donate a small amount towards the trip! If any of you have ever done anything like this before or are planning to in the future please let me know as I would love to hear about and support your journey too! I think blogging is a really great platform to spread the topic of fundraising, so why not make the most of it?

Thank-you so much for reading!

Tamsin xx


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